Championship Regulations 2025

1. All entries must: a) Conform to the respective Acts of the States and the Commonwealth of Australia
which govern the production of Australian wine including, but not limited to, the Customs and Excise
Act and Regulations, the Spirit Act and Regulations, the Health Act and Regulations; b) Be the produce
of solely Australian grapes or blended from solely Australian grapes; and c) In all single varietal classes,
contain not less than 85% of wine of the specified variety. d) Wines may be entered at
2. Winewise Magazine Pty Ltd reserves the right to combine classes if necessary and to split classes where
entry numbers require.
3. Winewise Magazine Pty Ltd also reserves the right to accept or reject any entry, to question entrants on
details of entries and to change entries to a more appropriate class.
4. Commercial labels are preferred, but not essential. However, every bottle entered must be clearly
identified. The commercial name of an entry (including a future release) must be given for inclusion in the
catalogue of results. The name of an entry is to conform exactly with any label on the bottle. Winewise
Magazine Pty Ltd reserves the right to disqualify any entry not clearly identified.
5. There is no limit on the number of entries per class per entrant but the number of bottles required per
entry is two (2) bottles which is also the maximum number allowed per entry.
6. All entries become the property of Winewise Magazine Pty Ltd: a) Wines will not be judged unless the
entry fee is paid; b) Entry Fee: $70.00 c) Entry fees are not refundable.
7. No entrant shall advertise, or allow to be advertised, by any means whatsoever, and whether by
broadcasting, television, pictorially or in writing, the fact that any entry has won an award in the Winewise
Championship unless such advertisement shows clearly: 2025 Winewise Championship.
8. Any form of advertisement must comply with The Winemakers’ Federation Code of Practice for the
display of awards.


9. An entrant agrees that if, at the sole
discretion of the Directors of Winewise Magazine Pty Ltd or some other authorised officer, the Winewise
Small Vigneron Awards are to be partially or fully cancelled for any reason whatsoever, the entrant shall
not pursue Winewise Magazine Pty Ltd for the recoveries of lost income or damages. This complete bar
to an action applies to all headings of law, whether it be common law, in contract or tort or pursuant to
any State, Territorial, or Commonwealth statute law. It is acknowledged by the entrant that Winewise
Magazine Pty Ltd has no duty to have the Awards in any particular year and that this Clause operates as a
complete defence for Winewise Magazine Pty Ltd to any such action.
10. All entries are screened from the judges and the wines are not poured in their presence. Glasses are
not topped up for the judges but, when required, a new glass is poured by the stewards at the stewards’
table. The second glass is presented to the judge.
11. Judging will be by panels of three (3) or more judges who will judge all wines independently. The
senior member of each panel of judges will tally the score and, after consultation, arrive at the final
assessment of the wines. Judges will be screened at all times from the entries.
12. Entries will be judged in brackets of no greater than six wines which will be ranked in order of
13. Winewise Magazine Pty Ltd reserves the right to change the category of trophies or not to award a
particular trophy.